Medline’s Pink Promo Highlights Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Medline Canada donates $10,000 to Princess Margaret Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer

In Canada, an estimated one in eight women is expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. These odds are common enough to position the disease as a leading cause of death in women, making the need for awareness of its prevention and cure relevant for all of us

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, allowing Canadians to reflect and advocate on the importance of combating breast cancer. For professionals in the healthcare space, including those at Medline Canada, it gives us the chance to use our resources, demonstrate solidarity for the cause and create tangible impacts.

This year, for the month of October, we’re pleased to offer up to 40% off promotions on a curated line of pink-coloured products — featuring various PPE and other care products like stethoscopes.

“Pink is universally representative of breast cancer advocacy — the shade is comforting and empowering,” said Diana Gazdar, VP of Marketing and Consumer Channels at Medline Canada. “With the Pink Promo awareness campaign, Medline is looking to echo the colour’s sentiment in our daily operations: uplifting the important labour done by caregivers, together improving care.”

On September 30, Medline Canada is also joining forces with the Princess Margaret Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer fundraiser in Vaughan, ON, with an entered playing team and a donation of $10,000. In the past 11 years, the event has raised over $26 million to support over 1,300 researchers and scientists at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

“As employees, we take pride in our purpose of together improving care,” said Roger Bourbonnais, VP of Acute Care. “Beyond being a trusted medical supply partner across the healthcare continuum, we support and advocate for better care outcomes. The Medline team is proud to participate in this important event to grow awareness and raise funds to one day find a cure for cancer.”     

If you want to support the search for an answer to cancer with us, please visit the donation page. No help is too small, and your contribution will help pave the way for groundbreaking breast cancer research and care advancements.

Click to learn more about Medline Canada’s Pink Promo, or contact your Medline Sales Representative.