Falls management

With customized education, process and product, Safe Mobility falls management solutions help improve your facility’s fall care processes—giving your caregivers the tools they need to monitor patients and proactively stop falls from occurring.

Fall risk assessment: who is at risk and why?

Falls are a major safety issue that can lead to devastating patient outcomes. This article provides an overview of how to assess a patient’s risk, as well as ways you can help prevent a fall from occurring.

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Explore our system of products

Gait Belts

Our single-patient-use gait belts come in all lengths, colours and buckle styles to conform to your facility’s preferences. Gait belts make assisted ambulation safer.

Patient Alarms

Our tamper-resistant line of alarms prevents patient and family tampering, while also improving staff efficiency with multi-pad functionality and universal nurse call compatibility. 

Fall Risk Kits 

Our moderate and high fall risk kits allow staff to easily identify patients at risk. Promote better caregiver awareness with fall risk kits.

How can we help you?

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We offer a selection of products to meet your clinical needs.
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